I love my new USB Midi controller! The PCR-M50 has 49 full-size keys, begging the question why they call it the M50, and a whole bunch of knobs and faders. The knobs are more than decent (though not the endless rotary knobs that I prefer), but what I really like is the keybed. These are great very playable keys that don't feel cheap at all. There are 12 different velocity curves to pick from. While this is definitely a synth action keyboard, it is easy to pull of some convincing piano sounds as well. I'm still working on a full review, but this is a controller I would definitely recommend.
Are you using the PCR-M50 with an Intel Mac ?
I'm having trouble getting it going with my new iMac, but it worked ok with the G5 iMac
Is there a way to control more than just the volume in garageband with this keyboard ?
Posted by: Robert | September 18, 2006 at 06:52 AM
I'm still using a G4, so I don't know anything about problems with Intel macs. Have you installed the latest driver?: http://www.rolandus.com/products/productdetails.aspx?dsection=d_support&ObjectId=706
It is a bit of a pain to assign knobs in GarageBand, especially considering the lack of a Midi learn function. I don't really use the knobs and fader in Garageband as much as I do in a program like Ableton live.
Posted by: JeroenR | September 18, 2006 at 05:27 PM
Is there a way to control more than just the volume in garageband with this keyboard ?
Posted by: buy viagra | March 19, 2010 at 09:23 PM
It is a bit of a pain to assign knobs in GarageBand, especially considering the lack of a Midi learn function.
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