Obviously we're all making some kind of noise with our Macs, but what are you using GarageBand for specifically? Here's what I do with GarageBand. I use it:
- To make "soundtracks" for presentations, photo slideshows, and video projects. I find that finding music for these kind of things often quite difficult. With GarageBand I string some loops together and create custom soundtracks that suit the mood of the project. These are not musical masterpieces, and they don't have to be, but they do add a nice touch of professionalism to your projects (especially if the audience is not made up of GarageBand users who can spot all the loops you've used).
- As a practice tool. I play guitar and I'll ofen use GB to make quick backing tracks, tune, and play drum loops to make scale practice more interesting.
- As a songwriting sketchpad. When I have an idea for a song I'll quickly record a basic guitar part, and do a vocal take. Then I add a little more instrumentation (Drums, Bass, Keys) to flesh it out and basically create the skeleton of a song. I hardly ever finish songs in GB but it is invaluable in my songwriting process.
What do you do with GarageBand?